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To the Future

22 Aug

To all you future 110ers:

Anne’s class is one of my favorite classes that I have ever taken.  This is coming from a guy who usually does not like English classes.  But this class could easily turn into your worst nightmare, so here’s a few tips on how to make the most out of 110.

  • Go to class!- Seriously.  You might think this class is one you can blow off sometimes, but it really helps for you to go to class.  The blog presentations turn into really engrossing discussions that I enjoyed a lot.  Knowing what to do on assignments is another BIG reason to make sure you go.  Don’t be the person who sits there not knowing what to do while everyone else is busy working.
  • Participate-  Kinda goes along with my point of go to class.  If you take part in the debates and discussions, you will have fun while engaging your brain!
  • Don’t procrastinate-  You’ve heard it all before, I know.  This one goes double for this class.  With papers that span half the quarter, there is NO reason you shouldnt be able to complete things on time.  And if you do procrastinate, be prepared to absolutely hate the class.
  • Pick something you like-  With the ARP and the MGP, please pick something you like or you enjoy reading about.  Seriously.  It makes life easier for you because you actually WANT to write the papers, and it makes them more interesting to read or listen to because you are more enthusiastic about it.

That’s about it for my tips.  Just follow directions and keep these tips in mind, and you will do great.  Oh an as one last thing- go to office hours for Anne whenever you feel like it.  I did and found myself talking for longer than I intended to with her.  She really takes an interest in what you are doing if you show interest in it yourself.