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Welcome to 110.01

18 Aug

Here is the ugly truth about this class and what the expectations are for next 10 weeks plus any final week you might have for finals. First you need to come to class every single day because attendance is big part of your grade and Anne is very clear on this. Unless you’re missing a leg or a hand J be there and be respectful to your class mates by being on time, because every class starts with a blog presentation which is part of your class participation grade and you can do that by taking part on the class discussion. That class participation plus the blog post is 15% of your grade so again you don’t want to be late or be quite and sit in your chair. Finally you really should read the syllabus as soon as you get it and highlight all the due dates for all the assignments. If you do all those above things you will be straight:) but then again I’m not saying they’re all piece of cake because nothing is easy unless you put the work and effort into it.

Good luck and have fun Future 110.01ers

Post #9

18 Aug

Dear Future 110ers,

This class like many things in life are easy if you meet your deadlines.  There are many components to each project that must be completed by the due date.  Knowing that, it is necessary to write all of the due dates on a calendar, in your blackberry, on a sheet of paper, etc. to keep up to date.  Forgetting the smaller portions of the projects will add up in lost points and a lower grade. 

Remember to participate daily in class.  This is the simplest way to keep your points.  Even though each discussion may not be very engaging or is completely one-sided, just suck it up and make a comment. 

Finally, choose a topic for the Analytical Research Paper that will challenge you intellectually.  Don’t do something so obvious and meaningless that you have no desires to dig and confront the issues within your topic.  This will help you focus throughout the quarter and ultimately help you earn a better grade.  

Good luck on your studies and try to have fun.

Blog Post 9 – Any last words?

18 Aug

Well I have a few last words about the English 110.01 course that I just took.  First off, I have always heard that this class is an “easy A” and to that I’d have to say both yes and no.  I would recommend showing up, participating, and doing your work by the deadlines.  The work is not too difficult, and there certainly isn’t a lot, just do it on time.  Make sure to talk in class, the teachers love it and it will help your grade.  That’s about all you need to do for an A so don’t stress it.  Next up are blog posts: do em and you get credit.  It’s that simple, they aren’t stressful at all, and they can actually be fun.  The reading: hopefully you are using the book “They say, I say…” because it’s not bad reading at all.  Now if you get stuck with the other book “Writing Analytically” (I think that’s what it’s called) then I am truly sorry for you, that book sucks.  “They say” is easy and quick to read with large font on small pages, whereas the other book has small text on big pages and is really dry and boring.  My point is be happy if you have “They say” because it’s actually worth reading (coming from someone who hates reading and books).  Last thing is projects: my class only had two and neither one was bad because I could always procrastinate and do it at the last minute and still get a good grade.  I didn’t have a final exam, however that may be because this is a summer class but I certainly enjoyed that aspect.

So that’s about everything, I’m being completely honest here with my advice so take from it what you want.  Oh and one last thing: have fun!