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“Ethnic Clothes”

27 Jun


Fanaxley June 25, 2010 at 3:58 pm #

My first thought of the topic “bodies in space” and writing analytical paper was not an exciting or easy one, but as the week went on and going back through my first day free writing and every possible movie, book, music video that I enjoy watching or reading about. I come to realize that even if I choose my favorite movie or book it wouldn’t be an easy task to analyze. So after couple ideas I decided to go slightly different direction for my ARP paper and write about something I think would really give me more information to talk about and research.
My theme for the paper is the material/cloth different ethnics wear. The body could be them wearing this ethnic clothing and the space would be their environment outside of their homes and into the different people they come into contact. It might seem out of place but I’m still working on how this idea could work in my favor.
I also though of writing about the movie “Remember The Titans” this is true story about the segregation in early 60s about the blacks and whites in high school football team. The body is all the football players and their coaches and the space is again all their surroundings